Summer Travel with your Pets

With summer here, many owners are traveling with their pets and including them in their family adventures. It is important to think ahead and prepare for travel with your pet to ensure their safety, comfort, and compliance with any regulations. Here's a general guide:

  1. Research Requirements: Different modes of transportation (airlines, trains, etc.) and destinations may have specific regulations regarding pet travel. Research these requirements well in advance to ensure you have all necessary documentation and meet any restrictions. Go to website for the most up to date information and contact your specific airline to know what they require. Bring this information to your veterinarian so we can make sure that you are prepared for travel.

  2. Health Check-Up: Schedule a visit to the veterinarian to ensure your pet is healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. Some destinations may require a health certificate issued shortly before travel, commonly within 10 or 30 days prior to travel.

  3. Microchip and ID Tags: Ensure your pet has a microchip with up-to-date information, and attach an ID tag to their collar with your contact details.

  4. Travel Carrier: Invest in a sturdy, well-ventilated travel carrier that meets the size requirements for your pet. Familiarize your pet with the carrier before travel to reduce anxiety.

  5. Comfort Items: Pack familiar items such as blankets, toys, and bedding to provide comfort during travel.

  6. Food and Water: Bring enough food and water for the journey, along with bowls for feeding. Avoid feeding your pet a large meal right before travel to prevent motion sickness. If motion sickness is a problem for your pet, contact our office to discuss medications that can help reduce nausea/vomiting. 

  7. Exercise and Bathroom Breaks: Allow your pet to exercise and relieve themselves before travel to reduce stress during the journey.

  8. Medications: If your pet requires medication, ensure you have an ample supply for the duration of the trip. If you need a refill of your pet's medication, call our office 48 hours in advance to give enough time to prepare the refill. 

  9. Safety Measures: For car travel, use a pet seat belt or secure the carrier in place to prevent injury in case of sudden stops or accidents. For air travel, follow airline guidelines for pet carriers and safety regulations.

  10. Plan for Accommodation: If you're staying overnight during your journey, research pet-friendly accommodations in advance.

  11. Emergency Kit: Pack a pet first aid kit with essentials such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any medications your pet may need.

  12. Training and Desensitization: Gradually acclimate your pet to the travel carrier and vehicle if they're not used to it, using positive reinforcement to create positive associations.

By following these steps and planning ahead, you can help ensure a smooth and safe journey for both you and your pet. Contact our office any time if you have any questions concerning your pets travel or to schedule a health certificate or pre-travel exam.