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Animal Hospital of New Albany Blog

Learn more about veterinary care in our blog!

Halloween Dangers for Dogs

With Halloween around the corner, it's important to keep certain candies and treats away from dogs. Here are common types of candy that can be dangerous for them:

Pet Insurance

Medical insurance for your pet is a popular topic and one that is ever changing and adjusting to changes with pet ownership. The next few blogs will be focused on different topics concerning pet insurance.

Trusted Online Vet Pharmacy

Many of our clients may not know that we have an online pharmacy where their pets prescription medications can be easily ordered and shipped directly to their home. Our online pharmacy is managed by Covetrus Pharmacy and can be easily accessed through our website at All you have to do is click on the top tab that says "Online Pharmacy" and there are directions on how you make an account and request medications.

The Importance of Annual Checkups for Your Cat

Do you have a cat in your home that hasn't been to the vet since it was a kitten? Or a dog that sees the vet every year, but a cat that hasn't seen the vet in a few years? Don't let your cat be overlooked.

Celebrating July 4th With Your Pet

Celebrating July 4th with your pet can be a lot of fun, but it's important to keep their safety and comfort in mind, especially since fireworks can be stressful for many animals.

Summer Travel with your Pets

With summer here, many owners are traveling with their pets and including them in their family adventures. It is important to think ahead and prepare for travel with your pet to ensure their safety, comfort, and compliance with any regulations. Here's a general guide:

Heatstroke in Pets

As warmer weather approaches, make sure you’re paying attention to your pets as they enjoy the summer with you. Heatstroke is a very serious and potentially life threatening emergency.  

May is Microchip Your Pets Month

This is a great reminder for pet owners to consider microchipping their furry friends.

Is your dog itching more as the season's change from Winter to Spring?

Spring atopy, or seasonal allergies, can affect dogs just like it does humans. Pollen, grass, mold, and other environmental allergens become more prevalent this time of year, triggering allergic reactions in some dogs. This can lead to symptoms like itching, scratching, head shaking, licking, and redness of the skin.

The Effects of Obesity in Dogs

As the weather is getting nicer outside, and our pups are wanting longer walks around the neighborhood and at the parks, it's a good time to remind everyone how important exercise is in keeping our pets at a healthy weight so they can live a long, happy life. Feeding too many calories or not exercising enough, can cause our pets to be obese, which is a significant health concern with various implications for their well-being. Here are some key concerns associated with obesity in dogs: